Steroids, EPO, peeing on others in the peloton- cycling has, of late, received a bad rap. But we all know the real reason cycling disappoints: the uniform. The uniform is the bain of cycling. I hear people say "jerseys aren't supposed to look good, they are supposed to draw attention to the sponsor". Well, congratulations, T-Mobile- Despite having the best racers in the world on your team, I will never use your service precisely because you thought hot pink would be a good idea. Anyone ever seen a truly great jersey? The correct answers are: 1) "No, of course not" (official answer if the intellectually honest). 2) "yeah, a few". (official answer of lying sycophants). No good jerseys, ever. Not one. Don't believe me? Behold:

well said my friend. I am definitely a jersey snob. I laugh at anyone not wearing the right jersey, and if you have to ask me what the right jersey is, then you are beneath me.
I'm so much of a snob, that I haven't even ridden in over a year, yet I blog about cycling as if I were an authority on the subject.
What's wrong with the muscle one?
It looks silly over my rotund belly and man-boobies. Otherwise it's extremely cool.
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