15 July 2008

My Peeps in the Press

Flipping through the Journal of Dental Oral Conscious Sedation today (exciting, I know), and check out how hot the centerfold was:

I like to think that if I have one talent, it's surrounding myself with genius mentors and coaches (even if I take them for granted).  Eagleston's are no exception.  I have only been working with Rob and John for a short time, but have been extremely impressed by their integrity and insight.  Since the author of the article, Michael Silverman is also part of my "circle of genius" (though, sadly, he wouldn't know ME from Adam), this article is a good omen.  It is gratifying to know that others see value in the same places I do.  

While I'm here, I might as well list a few other people on the "enlightened" page of my speed dial:

 The Kilpatrick Crew:  Kenny and Charley

Financial Planning:  
Steve Johnston 

 SUM Media

 Mike Schern

Home building, construction and, strangely, all things Apple: 
 Dave Nelson

Exercise and Nutrition:  
Dan Gibson

Life, Dental Practice, and Nut Cancer:  
Clark Dana

Music, literature, and more:  
Patrick Hall

Practice Management & Dental Education: 
Mercer Companies and The Scottsdale Center for Dentistry

I am now accepting applications for next year's list.  Dazzle me.


clark said...

YES! I made the list, and I plan on staying on the list. I commit to continue telling you how to live your life, run your practice, and doing nut cancer self examinations.

Also, I must echo your praise of the Eagleston bunch. They come from some good stock, and THAT is all that matters.

Also, you will be happy to know I will be purchasing my iphone this week (Is that a good move Cousin Dave?), and my texting abilities will be returning.

Eric Harris said...

You will not be disappointed with the iPhone. I downloaded the new software, and the new applications have been keeping me busy for days.

Sorry I couldn't come up with a more legitimate category for you, but I couldn't talk about a circle of influence without a Clark in it.

Chad would have made the list too, but a "smoker's cough and potty mouth" category would have been a stretch.

Patrick Hall said...

I'm currently updating the "other achievements" section of my resume to include making your 2008 circle of geniuses.

Also, if Mike Schern mysteriously disappears, it wasn't me.