Hands down, the best "vacation" of my life. Most of our time was spent among the most humble, grateful people on Earth. It was a privilege to be able to help, albeit in a small way. I also met amazing people and forged lasting friendships. Chris Olson came with me- he will no doubt be a fantastic dentist someday. I was also able to spend time with my buddy, Kevin Jeffers. We haven't seen each other for years, but it was like a day had passed. I hope I am able to dedicate increasingly more time to work like this in the future.
Chapel Ruin in Antigua
With Chris at the Chapel in San Francisco El Alto
Public Health Poster in the clinic: "Diarrhea: You get skinny, you get a fever, you get dehydrated, and you could die. Most of your body is liquid. If you lose more than you put back in you dry up and die."
Line for the clinic
Big Shot Chris
Chris, Kevin, Me

Seis deditos

Outside the clinic.
Kevin in Antigua
Chris Olson
Volcano eruption in Antigua.
Interesting fountain in Antigua.
"Hey, you gotta pay 5 Quetzales to take our picture!"
Hotel El Carmen
"Take these pills when it starts to hurt like hell."
Ein Schpatz Micht Gringos!


Chris, Me, Dr. Matt
German and Guatemalan Medical Students.
Nursing student and professor from NAU.
Awesome. Just awesome.
Love that place.
Thanks for taking care of mi gente. Very cool.
Awesome pictures. I truly envy your work there...perhaps next year. Shout out to Jeffers. I miss that kid. How much of your time was work, and how much pleasure? How did you get Lisa to agree to let you go?
About 70 percent work, 100 percent pleasure.
Thanks for all the pictures. Greatest place on earth.
Well Trevor,
It went something like this, " Hey Lis, a group of doctors are going to Guatemala in August and I want to go, what do your think?" My response, "umm, I guess it's up to you." I believe he had booked his ticket within the next 5 mins.
Dr. Eric, your pictures look like they should be in National Geographic! Thanks for sharing your awesome experience with us, but mostly for giving back to people in need. You Harris boys seriously need to write a book of your adventures.
Thanks, Court! Good to hear from you. I hope all is well.
Hey Eric, just ran across your blog. Awesome pics! I was there about 6 years ago. I think we stayed in that same hotel. We also got to climb the volcano. Such an amazing place!
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