08 June 2009

Writing for the Wastebasket.

The Winding Way


Bliss refines the winding way

as though by sculptors skilled caress.

The coarse to smooth, though gaze betray

the grooves and hollows of distress:

of work, and toil, and strain belayed

by grace divine and bellows blessed

to breathe into a love delayed

ease, life and grace-



A sculptor's masterpiece, at first glance, is smooth and supple in texture.  As one looks more closely, however, the markings left by the tools of the sculptor are evident.  They remind us that all such masterpieces are the cumulative result of myriad tiny strokes and efforts.



Annetastic said...

A beautiful verse Eric. I am so glad I was able to hear it read by the poet.

Eric Harris said...

Anne- thank you. And you don't need to comment out of pity :). I'm perfectly okay with nobody reading this. Also, you MUST watch the video I just posted on this blog (Education Stunts Creativity). You will appreciate it. Send me your email address when you get a chance.