A Light in August
Part I: The Descent
Pious follies, righteous wrongs
commenced the turning of the wheel
that lurched, and then, momentum maimed
began its course on slickened steel.
A numb fragility ensued
an enervated straw man, bent
upon a chosen hell to show
that choice compressed is will well spent
Conceding error or regret
would cut too close to psychic bone.
Familiar siege of Sysiphus
with hue and cry in tenor tone.
A gusting gale into the mind.
The icy, solemn, northern blasts.
The irreversible domain
exclaims aloud: "The Die is Cast!"
The loathing worn as premier badge-
ferocity of inwardness
A positive and active pain,
all efforts wasted to arrest.
Toxic tendrils teem in tide-
unnameable and poignant still.
Bewitching and abysmal black,
a doomed and barren soil to till.
Brushed with rank delinquency
that Lessens men to somber souls,
and misadventure clutches fast
to slow the gait to stumbling stroll.
An obligate divinity
of crumbling character and worth.
The jagged contour of a life
devoid of gaiety or mirth.
The throng assembled, old and new-
a tragic loving legion lost
by twisting of minds labyrinth
which kills slow with insipid frost.
Evolved unnoticed to a storm-
a howling tempest in the brain,
which feeds itself, its force to feign
to rain at once, but then to reign.
Insinuated spinelessness
for lack of noble sturdy name.
The dungeon of the spirit growls
through teeth betraying undue blame.
Erosion and unfocused dread
ensnare in suffocating gloom.
Enabled by a mind amiss
to paint thick black a whitewashed tomb.
What once appeared a polished vase-
gleaming while it first was glanced,
when touched erodes with yawning yearn
by writhing and lamenting chance.
A light's denouement, brackish sight
as through a glass and darkly spied
a search beyond the crisis nigh
had left but one attempt untried.
The old, arresting designate,
shed clean to save the simple self-
A light in August, poised to bathe
a broken soul in splendor's wealth.
"In the middle of our journey, I found myself in a dark wood. For I had lost the right path."
Part II: The Turning
"And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars."
Self-sent to toil and serve the wretch,
a wretch within one's own self found.
Through mediating intellect
a loveliness of life abounds.
That monster's ancient, wheezing voice
regains its pluck, arrests its fall,
and grattitudes eclectic reach
restores the man to infant's crawl.
Frequent, feverish, and in haste,
borne up by love and sight of light.
A climbing out of dungeons dearth-
restored to strength, reborn to might.
A senior friend to intellect
whose ministrations, daily sought,
lift up the heavy hands and heart
to sprint to glory rarely wrought.
Where once was bland tonality-
the rumbling hum of boredom's horde,
now magesterial presence shines
with lyric shield, and song as sword.
The body, soul, and mind conspire
to rise against, at last, reject
the woe and shame, the storm of murk,
abandonment, and self-neglect.
Replaced it with a slant of light-
sheet lightning- flickering afar,
though not perceived for power spent,
still left the door of hope ajar.
This new display presaged the day
of sun aloft in noon-day sky.
No shadow cast, but underfoot
the bones of yester-sorrows lie.
And if unflagging patience wins
this day, the next, then month and year
through alternating drench and draught
what's washed away will be the fear.
An energy that was before
throttled back to choke and stall
at once began, at my behest
to laugh aloud, above the squall.
And like a long beshrouded truth
uncovered now to marvel past
a gleaming clarity spills forth.
Autumnal plunge- reborn at last.
Skittering 'round the edge of mind,
one feels the wind that from the wing
of madness hissed beside the ear
and near it, recognized a thing
that plagues and festers, scolds and scorns,
but has within it's armor black
a gaping square, a missing link
that leaves it open to attack.
And so, with love, a blaze ignites-
engulfs the whole of room around,
and scrubs it hotly from the view.
Ash. Ember. Darkness. Not a sound.
And thus it is that haven home
must burn to humble earth, that we
may see the brilliance of the sky.
Light in August.
I am very impressed by your literary ability. I have tried my hand at poetry, but nothing has come out like this. How did you learn?
I did not learn. I think we all have different media that we flee to when we need an outlet for expression. I doubt that most would find my stuff enlightening or enlightened. It's just where I go when I need to.
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