09 April 2008

Resonance Explained

I posted the slideshow of images titled "resonance" the other day, and then spent the rest of the week trying to figure out how to post MP3's.  Being a neophyte blogstalker is hard work.  I have always been interested in Quantum Mechanical Theory.  Classical/Newtonian Physics, to anyone that has studied it even a little, describes a very dreary, mechanical, rule-bound universe.  Quantum Theory, while equally systematic, begins to unfold a Universe that is vast and wonderful.  Models like the Zero Point Energy field, non-locality,  and Holography create a sense of how small our understanding is of the grand plan set in motion for our benefit.  

When the pioneers of Quantum Mechanics made their discoveries, they individually responded in a strange way.  Pauli turned to Qabbalah, Niels Bohr consulted the Tao and other Chinese philosophy, Schrodinger looked to Hinduism, and Heisenberg read Plato's Republic and other philosophical texts.  As they felt the implications of what they were discovering in their research, they began to recognize that what ancients teachers had been saying thousands of years before.  They recognized that their discoveries could be the "unifying Theory"- the concept that reconciled Darwinian / Newtonian Science with Spirituality and the concept of a Creator.

I am currently reading Lynne McTaggarts The Field.  It's a fascinating review of the research supporting Quantum Mechanics.  The book's title refers to the Zero Point Field- a fascinating concept that McTaggart explains as the medium of "The Holy Spirit".  I highly recommend it.
It's listed in my book list (right column).  You can click on it and the ink will take you to Amazon.  You can probably also find it on www.daedalusbooks.com or www.alibris.com.

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