18 April 2008

I'm being honest.....swear to Blog.

A few years back, the American Cancer Society was busted for exaggerating the morbidity and mortality rates for breast cancer.  They excused the matter by stating that increased mammogram frequency was more important than getting the numbers right (read:honesty).  With Hillary's stories of sniper fire, and all three candidates plus the Pope skirting the immigration issue (lying by omission), plus politicians spewing crap they don't believe in (ethanol fuel is a good idea- just one example), it makes you wonder what anyone in the public eye would say if honesty was paramount.  I think for one, I would get a rash of emails telling me "dude, your blog sucks, and I only look at the pictures".  Patrick Hall sent me a link to www.Fora.tv.  Click on "think tank", and there is a pretty good assessment of how public figures warp the concept of honesty with relativistic principles. 

1 comment:

chadchuck835 said...

cool site eric! i'm confused though, i thought only girls were allowed to "blog".